Mission Work at Peapack Reformed Church
Mission is not something we do; it’s who we are. The church does not exist for its own benefit. The church exists for the benefit of our neighbors and for the flourishing of the world. As followers of Jesus, we commit ourselves to being an outward focused church.
The Peapack-Gladstone Food Pantry is a hub where community members can come to get food, personal hygiene items, and additional basic necessities, free of charge. Check out distribution times or learn how to get involved below.
Peapack Church Foundation
The Peapack Church Foundation was founded as a support organization for the Peapack Reformed Church to supply funds above and beyond regular operations, activities, and missions normally covered by personal giving, annual budget, dedicated endowments, and special gifts.
The Foundation manages a restricted endowment, which covers the Edythe DeGaeta Memorial Garden for direct interment of cremated remains, and an unrestricted endowment, whose funds are distributed through grant applications from the Consistory for events and projects aimed at promoting church growth.
Willard Arntz Memorial Scholarship
The Willard Arntz Memorial Scholarship gives financial aid to deserving high school graduates who have been accepted at a college, who are attending college at the undergraduate level, or who are enrolled at a technical or vocational school. Full-time and part-time students are eligible.
The scholarship is named in memory of Willard Arntz, who died in Vietnam in 1968 at the age of 22. The first scholarship, given in 1970, was for $300. Since then, 73 students have received a total of $111,875 in aid for post-secondary education.
Applications for the Arntz Scholarship are available from the church office. Awards are made in the spring during a regular worship service.
Organizations we Support
Peapack Reformed annually budgets to support organizations and institutions who are dedicated to relieving situations of poverty, pain, and neglect; serving people in need; feeding the hungry; and spreading the good news of the Gospel.
Cody Kersin of Wycliffe International
SHIP (Samaritan Homeless Interim Program)
God’s Co-Op Food Pantry
Words of Hope
Habitat for Humanity
Community Hope Inc