Upcoming events.

Filtering by: “Special Services”

Good Friday Prayer Service

Good Friday Prayer Service

The Friday of Holy Week is the day when Jesus died on the cross. So, why do we call this Friday good? On Good Friday, we fix our eyes on Jesus--the author and perfector of our faith. All are welcome. Nursery care not available. Virtual options available.

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Ash Wednesday Prayer Service

Ash Wednesday Prayer Service

Join us as we enter into the Lenten season together. Ash Wednesday is a day where we remember our mortality and contemplate our finitude. We are dust and to dust we shall return. Join us for a prayer service of honest hope. Nursery care not available. Streaming options available.

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Christmas Eve Service: Journey to the Manger

Join us this Christmas Eve at 6 pm for an outdoor program like you have never experienced before. We will make a candle-lit walk beginning in the lower Main St parking lot, through our lit campus, stopping a few times to contemplate the key Christmas Eve characters and sing your favorite carols (led by our church quartet) before ending our journey at the newborn Jesus' manger. If you are looking for a fun, interactive, family friendly alternative to a traditional service this Christmas Eve, we hope you will join us!

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Thanksgiving Sunday

Join us for a morning of heartfelt worship, as we give thanks to God for all that He has blessed us with. As an outpouring of our gratitude, we will receive a special offering for the PG Food Pantry. Checks can be made out to Peapack Reformed Church and in the Memo-Line: PG Food Pantry. You will also be invited to bring in tangible goods and place them on the Chancel steps during the service. Please see the list of goods on the “Pack the Pantry” List and bring those with you to worship on November 21st.

After Worship, join us for an outdoor pie social. Sign up to bring a pie to pass! Sign ups can be found in the bulletin. All are welcome!

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